Births 1864-1918
Marriages 1864-1843
Deaths 1878-1968
Previously, it was only possible to search the birth index up to 1916, the marriage index up to 1941 and the death index up to 1966, two additional years have been added for each collection as well as extension of images of the marriage registers back to 1864.
From 1900 the birth index can be searched by both the surname of the child and mother’s maiden name, a search tool which can be used to identify all of the registered children of a marriage. But do bear in mind, not all births, marriages and deaths were registered with the civil authorities.
Once a relevant entry has been found in the index, an image of the registration can be viewed online and a copy downloaded. To learn more about the records for civil registration see our Guide to Tracing Your Irish Ancestors Online.
If the image of the record indexed at www.irishgenealogy.ie is not available online, a copy can be ordered using Timeline’s Irish Genealogy Clerk Service.