Timeline has 15 years experience in not only genealogical, but general historical research. We have access to all major repositories in Dublin City and County and are fully prepared to undertake any viable research project.
We can research and report on any subject. Perhaps you are looking for details on fashion or dress in the 1830s or the businesses carried out on a particular street in the 1790s. We can also undertake larger projects like the history of an institution or building or chronicle of events in a certain period.
To date Timeline has written a History of the Fulbright Commission in Ireland for the Fulbright Commission and Director Dr. Robert Somerville Woodward was the author of a two volume History of Ballymun, published by Ballymum Regeneration Ltd.
Click Here to view online PDF.
Nicola Morris has also written about life in the Dublin Slums for the Who Do You Think You Are? Magazine and website.
We can also research and report on any collection of documents housed in Dublin. We have excellent palaeographic skills and can undertake transcription projects. We can also obtain copies of documents relevant to a particular subject like newspaper articles, letters or account books.
If you have a project that you would like to discuss, please contact us